Why RPO?

Our unique approach

RPO stands for Recruitment Process Outsourcing. This is a cost-effective and modern approach to actively attracting new staff.

You bring in a complete team of recruitment specialists, in the form of one contact person at Forp.
Your contact person arranges everything, while the specialists in the background search for, approach, screen and possibly even interview the right candidates for all open vacancies.

We create a tailor-made recruitment campaign for every vacancy and implement our own recruitment strategy for your organization.

We use job marketing, interim recruitment, headhunting and employer branding on your behalf, and we carry out recruitment campaigns under your company name.

You can be sure that all incoming candidates will be properly monitored, because we will take care of this for you. This way, candidates receive an optimal candidate experience.

The right candidates will immediately join you, without additional mediation costs.

Do you notice that filling vacancies takes a long time? Or do new employees not stay as long as you had hoped?

RPO Recruitment ensures that you bring in new people in the short term, in a sustainable way.

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These companies are happy to work with us

We work for:

We help your organization move from reactive to proactive recruiting.

Our approach in pictures

The advantages of the Forp method

We bring in new candidates and improve your complete recruitment process at the same time. This way, your organization improves during our collaboration.

You attract better candidates for open vacancies, increase employee happiness and retain staff more effectively.

In the table below, you will find the differences with other recruitment methods.

Traditional recruitment agencies
Job marketing
New candidates for vacancies
Proper application follow-up
Flexibly deployable
Customized services
Recruitment from your company name
Strengthening of your employer brand
Improvement of your HR processes
Reducing your employee turnover
Proper onboarding new employees
Knowledge sharing with the client
Deliver customization

Our Recruitment Process Outsourcing Method


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With recruitment process outsourcing we really become part of your company. We learn your corporate culture and work together on a good recruitment strategy.

This is why RPO with Forp is a sustainable solution and not a quick fix.

The RPO recruitment process can be divided into 3 parts, with or without employer branding, job marketing and recruitment campaigns:

1 | Strategic recruitment: determine the recruitment strategy, explain the employee journey, create strategic personnel planning and look at how we can reduce recruitment costs.

2 | Coordination: we keep an overview of the recruitment activities and coordinate them within your organization.

3 | Active recruitment: we take on the role of recruiter for you and actively recruit to attract new talent.

We carry out these three components in three phases:

Phase 1

Customer immersion

In Phase 1, our collaboration starts with an introduction and kick-off meeting to make the assignment specific, get to know the organization and understand your recruitment process.

Urgent problems are addressed immediately and we immediately start filling short-term vacancies.

Based on a baseline measurement, we look at what you are good at and where there is still room for improvement. This way we know exactly in which areas we can strengthen each other.

We find out together what the objectives are. In this way we create a plan for the desired situation.

Depending on where the challenges lie, we will delve deeper into your various recruitment processes.

Phase 2

Talent Safari

In the second phase we actively look for candidates for your vacancies.

Candidates who meet the profile will be approached personally, and we will work specifically to bring the vacancies to the attention of new talent.

We aim to be continuously active in the labor market. Looking for talent and possible new reinforcements. Our specialists take care of this. This way you become less vulnerable when someone leaves.

All information collected about potential candidates belongs to you. This way you reduce costs and time per hire, and the speed and quality of the result increase.

Together we set up a recruitment department that works for you, with good processes, an optimal Candidate Journey and a strong employer brand.

We choose the right platforms, use job marketing and show vacancies to potential new employees in every possible way.

These actions are carried out from your company name, so that your employer brand is strengthened.

All responses are screened by us. This way you only come into contact with candidates who fit within your team and the job profile.

Our approach simplifies and accelerates the recruitment process for you. This gives you the space to maintain focus on the most important thing: the future and growth of your organization.

Phase 3


The best candidates are now matched to you based on personality, skills, experience and company culture.

Together we evaluate the pre-selection of candidates and invite the best for job interviews. We are present at the interviews and assess candidates on professional and personal qualities that you find important.

After agreement, the final recruitment steps follow, including contract signing. After this, we can even handle the (pre-)onboarding, so that the new employee(s) gets off to the best possible start.

By using all the specializations we have in-house, we deliver results that you cannot achieve on your own. Nowadays, taking on all the recruitment specialties yourself is an impossible task.

This way you are assured of an effective recruitment process, which runs smoothly in collaboration with your contact person. This makes the RPO process simple and effective. And so you are ready for the future.

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Our USPs

Why others choose Forp

To drastically reduce recruitment costs.
To gain control over personnel planning.
To build a strong employer brand.
To immediately have access to a team of specialists.
To be able to deploy a flexible layer of recruiters at any time.
To be able to make use of hundreds of recruitment processes of experience.
These companies are happy to work with us

We work for:

An example of the results we achieve

23 FTE filled in 3 months for De NatuurApotheek

The NatuurApotheek is a nationally recognized natural medicine pharmacy. The company moved from Pijnacker to Simpelveld (Limburg) in 2023.

The move meant they needed a completely new workforce. Forp carried out the entire recruitment process.

The problem

There was a need to fill 23 FTE on short notice. The NatuurApotheek did not have space to arrange everything for this internally. The entire recruitment process was carried out by Forp, in cooperation with De NatuurApotheek.

The results

On June 26, 2023, we started the search for 23 FTE.

In 12 weeks we received 300 applicants, conducted 234 intake interviews and hired a total of 27 new employees.

The first three employees started in September. Another 22 started in October, and two more employees were added to the team in November and December.

De NatuurApotheek

Results achieved






intake interviews


employees hired


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