The recruitment challenges of today

Why Forp?

The success of the organization is determined by the quality of the people who work there. The right staff is the foundation of a good business.

But attracting the right people has become more difficult in recent years. As a result, every company needs to be more concerned with recruitment and HR.

Dennis van Dijk, founder of Forp, saw this need merged with the high fees that recruitment and selection agencies charge for their services.

These agencies bring in new employees, but do not help you structurally improve your recruitment. As a result, you need them every time.

In addition, recruiting the right people does not make people leave your company at the back end.

Dennis van Dijk thought it should be possible to do this differently.

Forp helps you with the parts where you fall short in recruitment and HR.

Is the onboarding process going wrong, or are you not getting the right candidates from the market? Or do you suddenly need to attract many employees at short notice?

At Forp, you get support from specialists who have years of experience in the area where you fall short. You can easily scale up and down with a flexible pool of recruitment and HR specialists.

Together, we improve your recruitment and HR processes in a sustainable way.

You do not outsource the entire process, so the costs remain manageable.

An efficient and sustainable way of recruitment, to get a grip on your personnel planning.

These companies are happy to work with us

We work for:

What if your HR and recruitment is not in order?

The risk

Persistent personnel problems prevent you from continuing to grow. It even jeopardizes the stability of your business.

Traditional recruiters and job marketers don’t help improve your recruitment and HR processes, so high staff turnover always remains a danger. At the same time, you depend on expensive agencies to keep the inflow of staff in order.

High staff turnover increases operating costs (both in terms of time and financially). You have to keep investing in recruiting and training new employees.

And a poor reputation as an employer can create a snowball effect, making it increasingly difficult to attract talented staff. You don’t notice this immediately, but it can have major long-term consequences.

Inefficient HR processes cost a lot of time and resources, but produce few results. You don’t empower your people and you miss opportunities on the job market.

Poor personnel management can therefore have major consequences for the competitiveness of your company.

For this reason, Forp has been set up in such a way that we can support you in all areas of HR and recruitment, wherever it is needed.


The experience that we bring with us to every project


Vacancies filled


International projects


Happy clients


Years of experience

A progressive company with strong employer brand

Doing everything right

Are you struggling to attract and retain staff? And are you currently unattractive to top candidates who will move your company forward?

Setting up your HR and recruitment properly with Forp, ensures that you are seen as a progressive company with a strong employer brand. You become more attractive to good candidates, and gain a better position in the job market.

With us, you gain access to specialized recruiters and HR professionals, set up strategies for effective staff retention, and receive support from our experts in HR and recruitment.

You will regain confidence in your recruitment processes and increase staff satisfaction. This gives you more time for other crucial areas within the company.

Together, we identify the biggest problems and focus recruitment and HR tasks on solving them. As an employer, you will be in better contact with qualified and motivated personnel.

Our strengths

How we help

A customized recruitment strategy
Access to 20+ HR and Recruitment specialists
Enduring HR and recruitment solutions
We help you with

Our most important Recruitment and HR solutions

Recruitment from your name RPO

Attract new people from your name in a cost-effective way.

Setting yourself apart as an employer Employer Branding

Attract top talent by showing that you are a good employer where everyone can develop.

Engaging and binding people HR Support

Support on all HR processes so that your people are empowered and stay engaged.

An example of the results we achieve

23 FTE filled in 3 months for De NatuurApotheek

The NatuurApotheek is a nationally recognized natural medicine pharmacy. The company moved from Pijnacker to Simpelveld (Limburg) in 2023.

The move meant they needed a completely new workforce. Forp carried out the entire recruitment process.

The problem

There was a need to fill 23 FTE on short notice. The NatuurApotheek did not have space to arrange everything for this internally. The entire recruitment process was carried out by Forp, in cooperation with De NatuurApotheek.

The results

On June 26, 2023, we started the search for 23 FTE.

In 12 weeks we received 300 applicants, conducted 234 intake interviews and hired a total of 27 new employees.

The first three employees started in September. Another 22 started in October, and two more employees were added to the team in November and December.

De NatuurApotheek

Results achieved






intake interviews


employees hired

Our approach in pictures

The advantages of the Forp method

We bring in new candidates and improve your complete recruitment process at the same time. This way, your organization improves during our collaboration.

You attract better candidates for open vacancies, increase employee happiness and retain staff more effectively.

In the table below, you will find the differences with other recruitment methods.

Traditional recruitment agencies
Job marketing
New candidates for vacancies
Proper application follow-up
Flexibly deployable
Customized services
Recruitment from your company name
Strengthening of your employer brand
Improvement of your HR processes
Reducing your employee turnover
Proper onboarding new employees
Knowledge sharing with the client


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